교환학생 앨범
커뮤니티교환학생 앨범
커뮤니티 > 교환학생앨범
- 교환학생 관리자보고서
- sek1989
- 작성일 : 2017-10-19 15:50:32
이제 교환학생프로그램에 참가하여 약 2달이 되어가있습니다.
학생들은 학교와 가정에 잘 적응을 잘하고 있고 영어생활에 불편함이 처음보다 감소 하고 있습니다.
물론 친구들 사귀었고, 다양한 활동에 참가 하고 있습니다.
<관리자 보고서 >
Has student's English ability improved?
영어는 지속적으로 향상되고 있고 단어향상에 학생이 노력중입니다. 읽기능력도 나아지고있고 영어 성적은 A 학점입니다.
Yohan's English continues to improve. He works very hard at learning vocabulary. His reading comprehension seems to be doing a little better. He has A's in his Literature class and his Grammar class.
Is student adjusting in school with studies and curriculum?
학생은 학교에 잘적응하고 있고, 모든과목에 성실한 학생이여서 학점역시 생물과목 B를 제외하고는 모든과목에서 A학점입니다.
ohan is adjusting well to school. He is a very diligent student in every subject. His grades reflect his hard work. Currently, he has an A in every subject except Biology. He has a B in Biology.
Is student integrating and adjusting to the host family?
학생은 호스트 가족과 매우 잘 지내며, 마치 가족같고 그는 아이들과 보드게일하는것을 좋아하며 저녁식사를 하며 이야기하는시간을 즐거워 합니다.
Yohan and his host family get along very well. He has become like part of the family. He loves playing board games with the kids. He also loves sitting at supper and talking to the whole family.
Is student involved in activities outside the home?
학생은 크리스챤클럽 , 보드게임클럽,비디오게임클럽에 등록하였고 학교 행사를 참가 했습니다.
Yohan is involoved in the AWANA club every Wednesday night. He is also involved in the board game club and the video gaming club. Yohan also enjoys the school's Skate Nights.
Is student enrolled in a full course of study?
학생은 수학, 역사, 생물, 미국문학, 영어, 문법 과목을 수강하고있습니다.
Yohan has a full course of study. He is in Trigonometry, U.S. History, Biology, American Literature, ESL, and Grammar.
Any additional Comments?
<크리스챤 클럽 AWANA 맴버들과 >